oktober 05, 2008

Just to show where im @

Vid den har bilden var klockan 8 pa morgonen, Svensk tid.

Da hade min bror och jag redan druckit;
fyra st ol, en Jagershot, och tva st whisky.

Jag kan ju beratta att jag som hatar att flyga blev den har resan valdigt bekvam.

Look me in my eye's i would call it, pissdrunk!

021 represent, never forget where we came from.
Even though i feel like it's a shitty place, i still love it.

Utsikten fran lagenheten jag bor, inget att hurra for men gillar palmtraden.

Another view, love them palmtrees!

With the sun in my face

They call it the sunshine state, but belive me.
When it rains it rains like hell and it didn't quit for twentyfour hours in a row.

Got My Girl On My Mind!


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